Soldiers Sailors and Marines of Genesee County, Batavia, NY

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Date: | Feb 05 2019 |
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Author: | nysuvcw |
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Major General Upton
In Memory of The Soldiers Sailors and Marines of Genesee County
(Left plaque inscription)
Battles of the Civil War 1861-1865
Bull Run Fair Oaks Malvern Hill Cedar Mountain Manassas Antietam Fredericksburg |
Chancellorsville Vicksburg Gettysburg Chickamauga Missionary Ridge Atlanta Wilderness Appomattox |
There are two other plaques. One for battles of WWI, and the other is a dedication plaque for WWII, Korea and Viet Nam. The monument is located on Main St. (NY Route 5) where the street splits into E. Main St. and Ellicott St. (NY Route 63).
Photograph by Anton Schwarzmueller