Encampment Registration
Click Here to Download the 2025 ENCAMPMENT REGISTRATION FORM
Use this Registration Form to learn how to pre-register as a delegate/alternate/guest at the New York Department Encampment.
*Be sure to have your Camp Secretary issue you a delegate card. Otherwise, you cannot vote.
Send your Fee and Registration Form to Dept. Secretary Pugsley, PDC*
Brothers may even come the day of the encampment to register.
Camp Secretaries, delegate cards for your camp need to be received by Department Secretary Pugsley no later than
Officers and Committees Reports by
Q. Where can I register for the Encampment, Luncheon and Banquet?
A. Information can be found on this website on the Encampment Page
Q. Who can attend the meeting?
A. Any Brother in good standing can attend the meeting. Make certain that you have your current Membership Card and if a Delegate, your Delegate Card.
Q. Can I vote on motions?
A. Only Brothers who have been chosen as a delegate from his Camp can vote. Make certain that you have your Current Membership and Delegate Card.
Q. What is standard attire?
A. There is no required dress code but a suit or sport coat and tie and kepi is customary along with your membership medal.
Q. How is the meeting conducted
A. The meeting follows the Order of Business outlined in the Ritual and Ceremonies (Blue Book), Bylaws of the Department and Robert’s Rules of Order. Brothers at all times should keep their discourse in a respectful and courteous manner. Disagreements and debates during the meeting should stay inside the meeting walls and not disclosed outside the meeting.
Q. What are some other things I should know?
A. To avoid being good-heartedly chastised, never walk between the altar where the Bible is placed and the Department Commander’s station while the meeting is in progress.
When addressing the Department Commander always begin and end with a salute.
The mood of the meeting is always Fraternity, Charity and Loyalty.
Read the appropriate pages in the Ritual and Ceremonies Book (Blue Book) and bring a copy if you have one. Copies should be available for purchase at the meeting.
The National Quartermaster is usually in attendance with a table set up to purchase various items.
This is a good time to purchase items to avoid shipping charges. This is also true if your Camp Secretary needs to purchase forms, etc.
Q. What is the Hospitality Room?-
A. The hospitality room is either a regular room or a meeting room where refreshments are served. It is open at various times during the weekend for social gathering. Soft drinks will be provided but alcohol will not be purchased with Department funds. You are free to bring your own alcoholic beverages either for yourself or for other participant’s enjoyment.
Q. Can I still buy raffle tickets at the Encampment?
A. The Raffle is the main fundraiser for the Department of New York. Tickets can be purchased right up to the time of the drawing. The drawing will be held at the banquet. Don’t worry you will be reminded that tickets are still available.
Q. What is the Memorial Service?
A. The Memorial Service is held to remember the members of the Allied Orders who have passed away since the last Encampment.
Q. If I have any other questions, who should I contact?
A. Contact the head of your Order or Encampment Committee Representative.
One last thought….
Remember, we are all here for one reason, and that is to promote the memory of the Union Soldiers who fought to preserve the Union and keep fresh the ideals of the Grand Army of the Republic. Keeping that in mind will help and guide us in our deliberations.