Rev. Duncan J. McMillan

The Rev. Duncan J. McMillan died Tuesday,
June 27, 1939, at his home, 612 W. 115th St.,
New York City.

A Past Department Commander of the Grand
Army of the Republic, he had a long a notable
record, with the 32nd and the 7th Illinois Infantry
and marched with General William Tecumseh
Sherman from Atlanta to the Sea.

A Presbyterian clergyman, ordained in 1872, he
served in many important pastorates, and was
superintendent of the Presbyterian Mission
Schools and Church work of Utah, Idaho and
Montana and had labored long to combat the
influence of Mormon missions.

A member of the Sons of the Revolution and the
American Geographical Society, he was a
prominent figure in patriotic and civic work in a
score of cities.

His impress has been left upon our country, which is better for his having lived. He was a
Grand Marshal for the last Memorial Day parade in New York City and had been a familiar figure
at Memorial Day services and parades in the state for many years.

His military career and his religious prominence go hand in hand and our great Department of
New York will cherish forever the splendid example he has given our country.