Newton Martin Curtis

Newton Martin Curtis, died January 8, 1910 in
the 75th year of his age. He entered service in
1861 as Captain of Co. G, 16th NY Infantry. He
was promoted to Lt. Col. of the 142nd NY
Infantry, October 17, 1862, to Colonel of the
same regiment January 21, 1863, Brigadier
General U.S.V. on January 15, 1865 and was
brevetted Major General March 13, 1865. He
received the Medal of Honor for distinguished
services at the capture of Fort Fisher.
In civilian life he held the offices of Collector of
Customs, member of the New York Legislature,
member of Congress and for many years was
Assistant Inspector General of the National State
Soldiers’ Homes. He was also president of the
New York Agricultural Society.
He is buried in Ogdensburg along side his wife and 3 unmarried daughters.

Source: Journal of the 1910 National Encampment, GAR
and newspaper articles.
Submitted by Jerome Orton