Albert D. Shaw

Albert D. Shaw was the 29th
Commander-in-Chief of the GAR.

He was born on a farm at Lyme, NY. In June of
1861 he walked from the village he resided and
enlisted in Co A. 35th Regiment, New York
Volunteers at Watertown.

He gave to his country a brave, valiant, faithful,
conscientious service, never for a day absent
from the ranks of his company. As he has said,
“Company A never stacked arms without my
rifle was among the number.”

He was the special champion of the general bill
to establish a Pension Court of Appeals and
having been placed on the House Committee of
Invalid Pensions, gave him the opportunity of
doing efficient work, of promoting the interests
of his comrades and with characteristic zeal and
enthusiasm prosecuted the work with telling
results, so that many maimed veterans and
helpless widow will be the unknowing
beneficiary of his exertions and faithful labors.

He died at 10 AM on Sunday February 10, 1901 in his hotel room in Washington, D.C.
while on business. He was buried in Watertown Center Cemetery. There is no marker to
indicate his high postion.

The Final Journal of The GAR, 1957 and the Journal of the 19th
National Convention of the National Woman’s Relief Corps, Aux. to the GAR, 1901.