1. It is with great personal grief that I
announce the passing of
Past Commander-in-Chief Joseph S. Rippey.
2. Brother Joe joined the SUVCW in 1948,
being eligible to Membership through
the service of his grandfather, Bernard Smith, Co. I, 54th New York National
and his great-grandfather, John Smith, 69th Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry.
Brother Joe served as New York Department Commander in 1959-1960,
and is the last Brother to serve two terms as Commander-in-Chief, serving from
1963-1965. He was a friend to all who knew
him, and will be missed by many.
3. Pursuant to General Orders No. 23,
Series 2001-2002, I hereby charge all
Camp Commanders to drape Camp Charters in his honor for a period of 30 days.
All New York Brothers are directed to wear a mourning ribbon on the badge
of the Order, as prescribed in Regulations Chapter V, Article III, Section 9.
By Order of:
Todd A. Shillington
Department Commander
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Last updated 15-Nov-2015