Department Order #13


March 26, 2015

  1. As Department Commander, I want to inform all Brothers of the New York Department that our Department Secretary Robert Pugsley, PDC has completed the 131st New York Department Encampment Proceedings.  The Proceedings covers the business session held on Saturday, May 3, 2014, held in Rochester, New York.  Secretary Pugsley should be commended for his time and effort putting this report together.  The 131st New York Department Encampment Proceedings are posted on our Department website for review.

  2. Reminder, all New York Department Camp Secretaries must apply the new $6.00 per capita dues amount to their “Camp Status Reports” and yearly “Camp Annual Report Form 27A”.  Camp Commanders, please make sure all “Camp Annual Reports” are submitted on or before April 30, 2015.

  3. Any Camp that has not submitted a correct Camp Annual Report Form 27A with the correct $6.00 per-capita payment by April 30th, will be considered not in good standing and will not be allowed representation at the Department Encampment.

  4. On Sunday, April 26, 2015 at 11:00 am, Oliver Tilden Camp #26, SUVCW will be conducting their annual Grant Birthday Commemoration at the Grant National Monument on 122nd St. and Riverside Drive in Manhattan, NY.  Keynote speaker is Waldron K. Post, II, Commander-in-Chief, Military Order of the Loyal Legion of the United States.  National SUVCW Commander-in-Chief Tad Campbell and National Auxiliary President Rachelle Campbell will be present with officers and members of the Allied Orders.  Members of Archibald Gracie Camp #985, Sons of Confederate Veterans and the Daughters of the Confederacy plan to be there.  We salute Oliver Tilden Camp for conducting this service for over 75 years.

So ordered this 26th day of March, 2015
George J. Weinmann, PCC
Department Commander, Department of New York, SUVCW

Robert Pugsley, PDC
Department Secretary
Department of New York, SUVCW

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Last updated 02-Apr-2015