Department Order #10


February 15, 2015

  1. In accordance to General Order #15, dated February 14, 2015, by Commander-in-Chief Tad D. Campbell, Section 2: All Camps, Departments, Sons of Veterans Reserve (SVR) Headquarters, SVR Military Districts and SVR Units are hereby directed to submit a hard copy of their current bylaws to National Treasurer Richard D. Orr, PC-in-C at 153 Connie Drive, Pittsburgh, PA 15214-1251. The deadline for submission of by-laws is March 1, 2015.

  2. Section 3: Hard copies of the by-laws of the above mentioned subordinate entities of the National Organization MUST be received by the March 1, 2015 deadline. Electronic copies are not acceptable. If the by-laws are not received by the deadline, the subordinate entity in question will not be included in the group exemption letter from the IRS, if the IRS approves the conversion, and the subordinate entity will no longer be tax exempt and will be required to file a corporate income tax return and pay Federal income taxes on all income, including dues. There will be no extensions and no exceptions.

  3. By virtue of the power vested to me as New York Department Commander, I hereby request all camps of the New York Department to comply with General Order #15 as soon as possible. Failure to comply with the order will directly affect your camp’s status as stated in our national order.

  4. All Camp Commanders or Camp Secretaries must notify the New York Department Commander and Secretary that your camp mailed out a signed copy of your camp’s by-laws to the National Treasurer Richard D. Orr, PC-in-C at 153 Connie Drive, Pittsburgh, PA 15214-1251. The deadline for submission of by-laws is March 1, 2015.

  5. The purpose of notifying the New York Department Commander and Secretary is of extreme importance. By notification, the department can monitor the progress of each camp’s compliance to General Order #15. The department will also know what camp is having a problem sending out a copy of their by-laws.

So ordered this 15th day of February 2015
George J. Weinmann, PCC
Department Commander, Department of New York, SUVCW

Robert Pugsley, PDC
Department Secretary
Department of New York, SUVCW

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Last updated 18-Feb-2015